Getting Started with Docker
The best place to get started with Docker is the documentation.
There are a few interesting points to note however which is:
- Docker runs well on Mac and some flavours of Linux but on Windows you are restricted to some versions of Windows 10. I found that using centos 6.8 required an alternative installation process (see here)
- You can run a broad range of linux distros inside Docker but AFAI can tell it isn't possible to run Windows in a docker. Although it appears there are some custom container extensions happening to make this work.
- Dockers are really command line VMs. Forget trying to run a GUI from a Docker although clearly you could have an application inside the docker connect out to a XWindows system (but why would you?)
Docker for Development
My interest right now is in running Dockers for development. The applications I work in during my day-job (and even some I play with out of hours) require significant configuration and being able to set this up by simply downloading a docker image is attractive.
There are a couple of interesting Docker features that make this attractive:
- You can expose your host filesystem to the docker. This means you can have a system where the artrifacts of your development build can be run pretty much directly in the docker. Without this you end up with a system where you have to run the product installer/RPM etc to install the system, configure it and then copy over the executables with the ones you just built. Docker makes this easier as you can create a docker where the executable components are links to files on the parent filesystem
- Often multiple VMs/machines are involved in a system. You the the DB, back end server, web front-end etc etc. These can all be run as docker containers and can even be deployed into the same machine. The docker system provides a local bridge network so then no matter what machine you deploy your system on it will all interconnect.
Creating a Docker
You create a docker by creating a text file called Dockerfile and defining the actions that will occur when the docker image is created and when it is run.
In my case I was creating a Docker for a Java/Tomcat/Spring application running on Centos (as I mostly work with Centos in my day job).
So to start with we specify centos as the base image in the Dockerfile
FROM centos
RUN yum -y install wget
Then the following snippet gets the JDK installer from oracle and untars it and sets up the environment to run from the JDK
RUN cd /opt/;\
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate \
--header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"\
tar xzf jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz
ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_101/
The next thing is to install tomcat. We wget the tar file, create a directory for it, untar it and ditch the .bat files. Finally we ditch the tar file.
ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat
RUN wget "$TOMCAT_TGZ_URL" && \
tar -xvf apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz --strip-components=1 && \
rm bin/*.bat &&\
rm apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz
Now all that's left to do is to specify port 8080 should be exposed to the host so we can access tomcat and to specify that the docker should run tomcat using the run when it starts
CMD ["", "run"]
Building the Docker
I have been using gradle to build my application and I found there is a cool plugin for building docker images from your build. It means that you can update the docker with your built artifact during the build.To use the plugin I load it like this in the plugins part of my gradle build file
id 'com.palantir.docker' version "0.9.0"
Then I create a docker task like this:
name 'tombi/abbot'
dockerfile 'src/main/docker/abbot/Dockerfile'
dependsOn tasks.war
files 'build/libs/Abbot3.war'
Then I can build the docker just by saying 'gradle docker'
Running the Docker
In my case I want to access the tomcat server running inside the docker so I have to map the port tomcat listens on to a port on the host.
Cleaning up Dockers
After a few debug runs I found I had a load of <none> docker images. The quick way to nuke all of these is to do this:
docker rmi -f `docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs`