Sunday 15 July 2012


Ok this seems pretty obvious but for whatever reason I never noticed this before.

I was hunting a deadlock today that happens when a service loses the database connection. We use windows critical sections to implement our mutexes.

There are upwardly of 30 threads performing a variety of actions in response to request messages. Some have noticed the DB connection loss and are trying to handle it while others are locked waiting for stuff the threads trying to deal with the DB connection loss still have locked. Urgh... And so a dead-lock was born...

Anyway while trying to untangle who locked what I figured out that the if you shift-F9 a critical section is has a OwningThread member which is the ID of the thread that locked the critical section!

Told you it was obvious and I should have noticed it earlier.

Well it helped me today so I thought maybe someone else may not have noticed this.

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